  1. Poker Hands Order Chart
What are the top 10 poker handsPoker rules chart
Example drawing toOutsMake on turnMake on riverMake on turn or river
Inside straight flush;
Four of a kind
Open-ended straight flush;
Three of a kind
High pair30.063814.7-10.065214.3-10.12497.01-1
Inside straight;
Full house
Three of a kind or two pair50.10648.40-10.10878.20-10.20353.91-1
Either pair60.12776.83-10.13046.67-10.24143.14-1
Full house or four of a kind; (see note)
Inside straight or high pair
Open-ended straight80.17024.88-10.17394.75-10.31452.18-1
Inside straight or pair100.21283.70-10.21743.60-10.38391.60-1
Open-ended straight or high pair110.23403.27-10.23913.18-10.41721.40-1
Inside straight or flush;
Flush or high pair
Open-ended straight or pair140.29792.36-10.30432.29-10.51160.955-1
Open-ended straight or flush;
Flush or pair; Inside straight,
flush or high pair
Inside straight or flush or pair;
Open-ended straight, flush or high pair
Open-ended straight, flush or pair210.44681.24-10.45651.19-10.69940.430-1

Poker Hands Order Chart

These hands are rarely good when two opponents raise before you. Conclusion Once you've understood how to use the Starting Hands Chart, you will be on the safe side in the first betting round. Choosing the right starting hands is half the work in poker and a lot of players burn their money at exactly this point. Poker Hand Rankings By Tim Ryerson Beginner Basics. Texas hold’em has evolved as the most popular poker game worldwide and is the form we shall use to cover the basic rules of poker in this beginner Read more. The Betting Variations in Poker By Tom 'TIME' Leonard. This is meant as a very basic primer into the rules of poker, for more information, get a book on the game (or start playing with a group of people who know how. It's more expensive than reading a book, but the group won't mind. This list is currently broken into several parts: The Very Basics How the Hands are Ranked. Let’s start with the very basic, like the pack of cards used to play poker, and then make our way up with hand rankings, betting procedure, etc. The Basics of Poker - Rules for Beginners The Pack. A poker hand is a combination of 5 cards drawn from a poker deck. Each hand is valued by its classification. Poker hands are combinations rather than permutations. This means that the order of the cards does not matter.