  1. How To Play Gta Poker
  2. How To Play Gto Poker Game

Level 1: The MacroAnalysis

The MacroAnalysis evaluates the overall strategy of Hero's range. The primary focus at this level is on range advantage, position and SPR, since typically these factors significantly influence how specific holdings within the range are played.

Range Grids
  • Learn GTO poker in 7 hours. If you’ve been waiting for a fast, accessible, affordable and well-structured way to learn GTO poker strategy, this Red Chip Poker Crash Course will make sure you’re not getting left behind. Learn what GTO poker is and how it makes you money; Play “toy games” to build GTO skills from scratch.
  • Poker has evolved immensely over the last years. One of the theories that most changed the landscape is game theory optimal poker (GTO). Nowadays, at least in high stakes poker, some GTO knowledge is necessary to become a winning player.

These grids show the possible hands which each player is likely to hold given prior actions. Hands which are more likely to be in a player's range are shaded darker. The GTOx dashboard juxtaposes both player's ranges since in GTO, strategies are wholly devised based upon how the ranges stack up against each other relative to the board.

Strategy Sunburst

The strategy sunburst shows the frequencies of the possible actions at the current node for the entire range, as well as the actions available at prior decision points in the game. This visual depiction of actions can assist users in learning to assess how prior actions define each player's range, which is a critical skill in GTO.

Doug Polk breaks down the strategic differences of Game Theory Optimal (GTO) vs Exploitative, which is a subject that seems to confuse a lot of you guys. GTO poker is the scenario where both players play perfectly but nobody can improve their strategy in the future. It is obvious that you will seldom play against the opponents who play perfectly, but if you are not careful, then they will be able to choose the strategy that will be better than yours! The WPT GTO Trainer lets you play real solved hands against a perfect opponent in a wide variety of postflop scenarios for cash game and tournament play. If your goal is to be a tough poker player.

Strategies and EV Regret

This table shows the average frequencies and resulting EV for each possible action for the range as a whole. Also shown is the Range EV Regret for each action, which measures the maximum amount of EV that will be lost if a player takes that action with 100% of the hands in the range and can aid in simplifying strategies. EV Regret is standardized by the pot size so each player can set his/her own EV Regret significance threshold based on his/her experience and skill level. Finally, this table shows 'Fold Leverage', which is equal to the percentage of the opponent's range that folds to each bet at the nash-equilibrium.

Hand Strength Table

This table shows the average EV, average equity and equity distribution for each player. EV measures the expected number of chips the player will win on average if it follows the optimal strategies. Equity measures the probability of the player winning or tying at showdown if no further betting occurs. The equity distribution aids in an understanding of overall composition of each player's range (e.g. polarized, capped, condensed, merged, etc.).

Online poker has changed a lot over the past few years. To be a profitable player, especially at higher stakes, it’s no longer enough to just learn the basics and have “good poker skills”. The competition is growing tougher by the day and keeping up and not falling behind is a big challenge. Understanding poker math at a deep level is more important than ever, and those who manage to “master the numbers”, as it were, tend to have a qualitative advantage at the felt.

The concept of the Game Theory Optimal (GTO) play is one of the main ideas in modern day poker. Using the computing power of computers, programs known as solvers can compute the best mathematical decision for almost every scenario imaginable. If you can memorize the GTO solutions to poker scenarios, theoretically speaking your opponents will never be able to exploit you.

The big “issue”, of course, is that GTO play is extremely difficult to learn (we’re humans, after all, not computers!), and not just in terms of time and effort you should put in. Just learning to use solvers correctly can be a challenge of its own and something that most recreational and semi-recreational players can’t easily do.

Realizing that this is a big problem that creates a monopoly on knowledge of sorts, K.L. Cleeton teamed up with Matt McElligott to come up with a better, simpler, and widely accessible tool for learning GTO poker play. A couple of years of development later, the RangeTrainerPro app was born.

RangeTrainerPro App in a Nutshell

If you know anything about programs like PioSOLVER, you are probably aware of how complicated they are to use. These programs are very powerful tools to be sure, but they only work if you know what to do with them, and the learning curve is quite steep. Put bluntly, there’s a reason you usually hear high rollers discussing PioSOLVER and not low-stakes players.

RangeTrainerPro successfully removes this barrier in one fell swoop and represents a real breath of fresh air in the GTO training arena.

The app provides you with the visual interface for your ranges, whether you’re using the ones available on the site or importing your own. It then creates training scenarios for different spots you want to improve in.

Instead of trying to memorize the dry information, you can play through these scenarios and learn in a much more interactive and engaging way. You no longer have to be a math wizard to gain access to valuable information about GTO strategy and you can adopt it in a much more natural and intuitive way.


RangeTrainerPro Features

Depending on what you’re looking for, there are three different subscription models for the RangeTrainerPro app:

  • Free– allowing you to create and import unlimited ranges
  • RangeTrainerPro Premium ($144 a year or $15 a month) – create and import unlimited ranges, run unlimited training sessions, weighted ranges
  • Premium + Ranges ($360 a year or $40 a month) – everything from the Premium package + access to 900+ solved tournament GTO ranges

If you’re only interested in learning a particular part of the game tree, you can also buy individual ranges for situations like raise first in, playing vs. single raises, playing vs. 3-bets, and overcaling and squeezing. The total value of all the ranges you get with the yearly subscription is $1,650 if you were to buy them individually.

The app is currently focused on the tournament play, although you can also buy simplified ranges for 6-max cash games for $100. These aren’t included in the default $360 package.

If you want to optimize the learning time, RangeTrainerPro even lets you run several tables at the same time. Since most players are multi-tabling when playing online, this feature is very useful and right on point.

What’s So Revolutionary about RangeTrainerPro?

First of all, this app gives you the ability to learn all the “computer stuff” in a more human way. It helps you skip straight to the interesting and useful part, allowing you to learn GTO by playing out scenarios, making decisions, and fixing mistakes on the go.

The yearly subscription gives you a discount, but you are free to take things at your own pace. You can get involved for a month or two, drop out, and jump back in whenever you feel like it with no problems.

The price you need to pay to get access to the ranges and the training platform is more than reasonable and more affordable for most people than having to dish out a few grand to buy all the ranges you need.

How To Play Gta Poker

With RangeTrainerPro, you’re essentially “renting” these ranges to use them as much as you want when you feel like studying.

You can run trainer sessions even on your phone, which gives you full freedom to get some learning in whenever you have a bit of free time. All the ranges offered in the app have been built using solvers, millions of actual hands, and accounting for population tendencies.

More experienced players who are familiar with GTO and solvers can use the platform to build their own ranges or import premade PioSOLVER ranges.

The Verdict: Is RangeTrainerPro Worth the Money?

The fact of the matter is that everyone who plays poker wants to win. Even if you aren’t overly concerned about the money and poker is just a hobby for you, the game is simply more fun when you are winning.

How To Play Gto Poker

RangeTrainerPro gives you a chance to significantly improve your game for a very reasonable price and in a way that you’ll have no problems understanding. So, I’d say that this program is definitely worth buying.

You get all the flexibility you need and the team working behind the scenes issues regular updates to their ranges to make them more relevant to the current online poker climate.

There are also some exciting changes and updates announced for the future, which should bring more options for cash game players, solutions for postflop situations, etc.

All in all, if you’ve been wanting to learn GTO but didn’t know where or how to start, I recommend checking out RangeTrainerPro. It is the simplest, most-intuitive tool for studying the GTO approach to poker you can get your hands on at the moment.

How To Play Gto Poker Game

You’ll still have to put in the work, of course, but this platform can significantly boost your results in a very short time.

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